Bjärasläktens rötter från år 1509 till dags dato
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Abraham Gray

Man 1754 - 1846  (92 år)

Personlig information    |    Noteringar    |    Källor    |    Alla

  • Namn Abraham Gray  [1
    Födelse 1754  New York, USA Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats 
    Kön Man 
    1846  Belmont County, Ohio, USA Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats 
    Benson Hill Cemetery, Barnesville, Belmont County, Ohio, USA Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats 
    Person-ID I8620  Bjara
    Senast ändrad 7 Feb 2015 

    Familj 1 Sheryl Marie Gray,   f. New York, USA Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna platsd. fö 1840 
    ca 1783  Orange County, New York, USA Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats 
     1. Peter R Gray,   f. 18 Jun 1798, New York, USA Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna platsd. 14 Nov 1881, Liberty, Washington County, Ohio, USA Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats (Ålder 83 år)  [Far: Natural]  [Mor: Natural]
    Familjens ID F2819  Familjeöversikt  |  
    Senast ändrad 7 Feb 2015 

    Familj 2 Loretta Marie Ann 
    1777  Orange County, New York, USA Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats 
    Familjens ID F2820  Familjeöversikt  |  
    Senast ändrad 7 Feb 2015 

  • Noteringar 
    • Abraham served in the American Revolutionary War in 1781, 3rd Regiment, Ulster County Militia, New York. Information is located on roll #73 in the National Archives in Washington, DC. 1800 census revealed they were living in Deerpark, Orange County, New York and had seven sons and two daughters. The 1820 census gave his occupation as a farmer and they were living in Minisink, Orange County, New York and listed one son, age ten to fifteen and one son age sixteen to eighteen. 1840 census revealed his wife had died and they had moved to Belmont, Ohio and he was living with John Gray, his son. According to information furnished by Janice Smarr: Abraham died in the winter of 1846 and was buried on John Gray's farm located in Wayne Township, Belmont County, Ohio. When land engineers were digging for coal in Belmont County they dug into family burial sites and when they came across bones on the land, they moved them to the nearest cemetery to where they were digging. His remains were placed in a Quaker Cemetery known then as "The Old Brown's Cemetery". Now known as Captina Friends Cemetery also known as The Benson Hill Cemetery. Janice has also furnished the following as the names of his spouse and children.

      He was first married to Loretta Marie Ann (Unknown) about 1777 in Orange County, New York. Their children were

      Abraham Gray b.1780
      Abner Gray b.1782
      Ellenoir M. Gray b. 1783

      He married Sheryl Marie (Unknown) about 1783 in Orange County, New York and they had

      John Gray b.1784
      Benjamin Gray b. 1788
      Samuel Gray b. 1791
      Peter Gray b. 1798 - d. 1881
      Four sons and one daughter born between 1790 and 1810.

      Benson Hill Cemetery
      Belmont County
      Ohio, USA

  • Källor 
    1. [S384] Notes for Samuel McFadden and his ancestors.